Daylene Blankenship

Legal Nurse Consultant

TEL: 602.235.7142
FAX: 602.651.7527

Daylene Blankenship has been a Registered Nurse since 2003, with previous specialization in OB/Gynecology, Adolescent and Geriatric Care, Behavioral Health, and Home Health/Hospice. She has managed all aspects of inpatient facilities, including hiring, budgets, and accreditation. Daylene has also developed curriculum for and taught college-level nursing programs.

Daylene has significant skills and experience in case review, record interpretation, and research, as well as providing expert witness testimony. She is a vital member of the JSH Legal Nurse Consultant team, working with our healthcare and med mal attorneys.

In her spare time, Daylene likes to spend time with her husband and children, as well as their four Rottweilers. She is active with animal rescue and volunteers with a local rescue trapping organization.