JSH appellate associate attorney Justin Ackerman will discuss “hot notice” claim issues at the Arizona Public Risk Management Association’s fourth quarterly meeting on December 9.
During his presentation, “A.R.S. § 12-821.01, Anything New Under the Sun?,” Justin will discuss the biggest claim issues in the industry, as well as those that may be easy to miss are commonly missed by the plaintiff’s bar. He will also provide an update on recent cases from the Arizona Court of Appeals and U.S. Supreme Court analyzing and addressing notice of claim issues.
Arizona Public Risk Management Association
Chandler Public Safety Training Center
Chandler, Arizona
December 9, 2021
The Arizona Public Risk Management Association’s aim is to further risk management education and to provide the networking opportunities to accelerate risk management programs.
Justin Ackerman represents governmental entities in federal and state appellate matters. His experience includes cases involving excessive force, wrongful death, personal injury, bad faith, and premises liability.
jackerman@jshfirm.com | 602.263.1740 | jshfirm.com/jackerman