Jones, Skelton & Hochuli is known throughout Arizona as one of the premier general civil litigation and insurance defense law firms. Our attorneys provide vigorous and effective advocacy for clients throughout the often lengthy and cumbersome course of civil lawsuits, from the initial case investigation through trial.
Although most civil litigation cases are settled before they ever go to trial, clients who have experienced trial attorneys managing their case get the best results at every stage of litigation. Jones, Skelton & Hochuli has more experienced trial lawyers than any firm in the state. For decades, we have successfully counseled corporations, institutions and individuals seeking exceptional representation in general civil litigation matters, including:
- Contract disputes
- Real estate
- Eminent domain
- Professional malpractice
- Deceptive trade practices
- Partnership dissolution disputes
- Insurance disputes
- Personal injury matters
Our lawyers have extensive experience in federal and state courts and at the appellate levels. Many are also members of the professional organizations of the most respected trial attorneys in the country, including the American Board of Trial Advocates, the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel, the International Association of Defense Counsel and the American College of Trial Lawyers.
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Associate Attorneys
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